
The Phillips Collection Admissions Sign

Museum Admissions Desk Sign

[gallery type="rectangular" ids="75,34"] Designed museum signage aimed to help guide visitors to the admissions desk and to present a bold, energetic visual identity.

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Photograph of The Phillips Collection Visitor Guide

Museum Visitor Guide and 3D Diagram

[gallery type="square" link="none" ids="37,38,26"] Created a 3D map of the museum using Sketchup Designed the full visitor guide using InDesign Visit The Phillips Collection to download a PDF

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Honeycomb QR Code Stickers

Honeycomb QR Code Stickers

QR Code was designed to bring users to the Indiegogo crowd-funding campaign page.

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Photograph of museum identity signage used in the DC metro system

Museum Identity Signage

[gallery type="square" ids="36,35"]

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